Sonic offerings

We are born in rhythm- the first real experience we have begins before we are even earthside, cradled in the womb that grew us, surrounded and moved by the drumbeat of a heart. How we engage intentionally (or not) with sound has a vey real impact on our bodies and psychospiritual state.

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Sara Garnier

Starting in October, I’ll be offering many of my skills to you in an online format. Audio, video, and live offerings can be yours. Whee!

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Sara Garnier
The ground shifts again

So, all being said- something is on the way! A community space where you have the opportunity to receive so many of my heart offerings, at an exchange that works for YOU. I can’t wait to share more!

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Sara Garnier
Privilege, racism, and trauma

It is not up to our friends of color to heal the pervasive, systemic, and institutionalized racism that we find ourselves in. It is not up to them to correct the imbalance. If it were, it would already be done.

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Sara Garnier
Connecting with the earth

Maybe it’s boredom, or desperation, or lack of anything else to do. I like to think that the COVID crisis is creating a genuine shift and that we are more deeply connecting with our Mother.

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Sara Garnier
Be here, now.

If you are noticing how challenging it is to meet yourself in the current global, social, and political climate- much less do any healing work of substance- give yourself the gift of space and time to be with it all.

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Sara Garnier
Meeting resistance

The worst part about all this resistance is that we place it upon ourselves and cause a lot of unnecessary suffering. Luckily, that’s also the best part. If we are making things harder for ourselves, that means we can also make things easier.

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